NICU in Vienna, Austria
Neonatal Intenstive Care Unit (NICU) of the Medical University of Vienna
Type of recording
Fixed cameras and wearable devices in delivery room and in NICU environment
Audio-visual identifiable images of infant and providers
Delivery room management (including PBCC), respiratory management, CVC/PICC, NVC, Omaya puncture, pleural catheter, lumbar puncture, LISA, surgical intervention
Equipment: Tobii Pro Glasses 2 and 3 eye-tracking glasses (Tobii, Stockholm, Sweden), VPS 19 glasses (ViewPoint System, Vienna, Austria), GoPro (San Mateo CA, US)
Patient consent
Patients are not asked for consent, but they do receive a consent questionnaire with an opt-out option
Provider consent
Verbal provider consent is obtained
Use of recordings
For multidisciplinary review with providers
For parental review
Recordings are not part of the medical record of the patient
Recordings are used for quality improvement
Recordings are deintified on password coded study team computer that is only accessible for study members
If you have any questions, regarding this approach, feel free to contact this experienced center at
Last updated
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