11.1 Getting the most out of your Neoflix session

Scheduling for Success:

  • Interprofessional Collaboration: Choose a time that works well for both medical and nursing staff. This ensures a well-rounded discussion with diverse perspectives from all team members involved in neonatal resuscitation.

  • Time-Conscious Approach: Keep the session short and focused – ideally around 30 minutes. This allows healthcare providers to easily integrate it into their busy schedules.

Maximizing Participation:

  • Spread the Word: Send out clear invitations well in advance, reminding everyone of the session's date, time, and location (or online platform).

  • Focus on the Source: Make a special effort to invite the providers who were directly involved in the recorded resuscitation. Their presence is invaluable as they can provide crucial context and answer questions during the review. Ideally, strive to always have the recorded providers present.

  • Guiding the Discussion: Choose a session chair who can effectively moderate the discussion, ensuring everyone has a chance to contribute and keeping the session focused on key learning points.

By following these simple steps, you can create a well-organized and productive Netflix session that fosters interprofessional collaboration and improves the quality of neonatal resuscitation care through shared learning.

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